The School in Sokon. VGF has sponsored all building

The road to the villages complicates the work and the costs

School children in Olchoronyokie 

One of the support teachers teaches in Sokon

Building Projects

VGF supports two different villages on the slopes of Ketumeine and we concentrate our support to the two primary schools in the villages. In Tanzania, the government supports all primary schools with teachers, while the local village is responsible for school buildings and teachers’ accommodation.

When we support a project, we strive to engage the whole village. VGF contributes with part of the costs, but the village needs to be involved. Together with the leaders of the village, we decide what is most urgent. We also keep in contact with other help organizations to co-ordinate our help and support.

The primary school in Sokon teaches pre-school up to grade 7. This year the first children will graduate from primary school. VGF has sponsored both school facilities and teachers’ accommodation. Today, the school has got five classrooms, divided on approximately 600 students. The village has received fundings and plans to build another building with three new classrooms. The buildings that VGF sponsored made it possible to officially register the primary school in Sokon. There is a great need for more teachers and new staff accomendation. The construction of a new teachers accomondation started this July.

The primary school in Olchoronyokie has got two school buildings and two teachers’ accommodation. VGF has sponsored all buildings. There are currently eight teachers teaching grade one to grade seven, a total of approximately 400 students. 

To understand what the most urgent needs are, we have regular contact with the leaders in the villages.  Apart from school buildings, VGF has sponsored piping and other materials to provide the villages with water.

Teacher Support

The villages in the area around Kibumbeine are remote and sometimes difficult to access. This often makes is difficult to hire dedicated teachers and as a result there is a teachers’ shortage in both schools. Therefore, we have decided to support former students who have finished Secondary school form 4. They help with the day to day teaching and today we sponsor twelve so called support-teachers, six at Olchoronyokie and six at Sokon.

We have noticed that the support-teachers dedication and understanding for the local village is an asset for the teaching at school. When the pupils meet former students from their own village who have got an education, it motivates them to further educate themselves. VGF strives to help to further educate teachers who are willing to stay on in the area.